
Jun 12, 2024

Blog Posts & SEO settings

blog posts and seo page settings changelog
blog posts and seo page settings changelog

Product update: Blog Posts

You can now create blog posts in Instant. Experience a seamless, all-visual writing environment that allows you to effortlessly integrate diverse content types, including products, videos, images, and more, into your posts. Plus, with our starter tier ($39/month), you can create, write, and publish an unlimited number of blog posts! 

Benefits of creating blog posts with Instant?

  • Visual writing experience: what you see is what you get

  • Embed products: Easily integrate products into your articles

  • Rich content integration: Embed videos, UGC, reviews, and more

  • SEO controls: Optimize your post for search engines with ease

  • No cookie-cutter templates: Enjoy unique, customizable designs

  • Optimized for speed: Fast-loading pages by default to help you rank higher

In this tutorial, you'll discover how to transform your Shopify store into an organic growth engine with SEO-optimized, revenue-generating blogs.

Product update: SEO settings

We didn't stop at just blog posts. Now, you can enjoy full SEO controls for every page you create in Instant. In the settings of each page layout, you can easily manage the title and description, giving you more control over your SEO strategy.

Improvements and fixes:

  • Improved slider "Loop" behavior while editing slides in builder

  • Automatically open product select popup when adding Shopify content

  • Handle borders with opacity when pasting from Figma

  • Improved search input behavior in layouts and assets pannel

  • Add variant query parameter when switching variants on product template

  • Fixed an issue related to metafields names that start with a number

  • Improved onboarding flow for new users and creating new projects

  • Added 25 new sections to the templates library

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