
May 1, 2024

Custom variant selector

sticky position
sticky position

Custom variant selector

In line with the soon-to-be-released PDP templates, you can now build custom variant selectors! The Custom variant selector also introduces a new element that you can drag and drop onto the builder so you can build your custom variant selector faster.

Now, with the Custom variant selector, you can highlight any product variant exactly how you want it. Check out our tutorial to discover the design freedom and flexibility this new feature gives you!

Product page template waitlist

A very big update is coming to Instant! Sign up for the waitlist to be one of the first to build product page templates with Instant. The launch day is set for the end of May. 

We’re currently fine-tuning and testing this feature with a select group of customers. When we launch in May, get ready for the most customizable and user-friendly solution to build high-converting product pages. We can’t wait to share it with you! Join the waitlist.

Improvements and fixes

  • Allow using any product image as a dynamic source for images

  • Support using emojis as profile avatar in Multiplayer mode

  • Allow to duplicate pages and sections in the layouts panel

  • Improved “Rating” element inputs in the design panel

  • Added dynamic text property for product compare at price

  • Reduced amount of API calls in the builder on initial load

  • Improved saved sections layout in builder for large sections

  • Optimized published output size for variants and data attributes

  • Improved asset uploads to handle files with unexpected metadata

  • Added 4 new page templates and 32 new section templates

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