
Oct 25, 2023

Responsive editing

Responsive editing made easy

The latest Instant release made responsive editing a lot easier and more intuitive. All fields in the design panel now include clear indicators in the field label if any responsive edits have been added. 

Besides showing the responsive edits for the current viewport (in blue), we also show the responsive edits of other viewports (in green) to make it clear where a specific value is coming from.

Additionally, we’ve added the functionality to reset responsive values for an element. This can be done on a field level or for all the fields of the element at once for a specific viewport.

Responsive Editing 101 - Tutorial

To learn how to create responsive pages in Instant, check out our video tutorial with tips and tricks to ensure your pages look and perform well across all devices and screen sizes:

Fixes and improvements

  • An issue in the Liquid renderer preventing big pages from being published

  • An issue that allowed you to delete the complete page canvas

  • A redirect to the not found page in the builder if the site URL does not exist

  • An issue where the updates queue could get stuck locally when deleting a node

  • An issue with some of the preset sections not being centered on larger screen sizes

  • An issue with the alignment property for responsive edits

  • Data fetching for pages, making the initial load of the builder faster

  • The publishing logic, so it will always wait until the latest changes have been saved

  • Optimized images in production output, serving responsive source sets via our CDN

  • The rendering of the font preview window for custom fonts

  • Responsive properties for some of the pre-built sections

  • Added a shortcut to delete pages in the pages panel with the backspace key

  • More eCommerce element presets, making it easier to directly drag certain interactions such as “Add to cart” buttons directly into the canvas

  • A new selection of cover images that can be used in your dashboard

  • Cloudflare Turnstile bot protection to all authentication-related pages

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Feb 10, 2025