
Dec 13, 2023

Section packs & Background videos

Sections packs

We’ve introduced a new way to build high-converting and consistent pages quickly: “Start with Sections”.

When building, you can choose from a variety of different section packs to use in your Instant builds. All sections can be fully customized in the builder without limitations.

With the initial release of this feature, the following packs have been added:

  • Starter kit: styled sections for a variety of use cases (28 sections)

  • Wireframes kit: plain layouts to easily adjust (28 sections)

Every month, you can expect new research-backed section packs to be added.

Publishing Sections: The sections available in Section packs can be used to build complete landing pages or can be published to Shopify as individual sections for use in Online Store 2.0 themes.

For more info, see: Build custom Shopify Sections with Instant.

Background videos

Instant now supports adding background videos to your builds.

Copy and paste videos directly from your Shopify assets*, and you’re ready to go. The videos will be served from Shopify's CDN for optimal loading speed.

*Any other video URL can be used, but for the best performance, we recommend using videos uploaded to your Shopify Files.*

Improvements and fixes


  • An issue with the flex-direction for rich text elements with links in Shopify

  • Font not showing correctly for certain breakpoints when using Brand Styles

  • Some initial loading issues when another team member is in the builder

  • An issue with the local state when deleting non-active pages

  • Fill input not immediately updating when selecting a new value

  • Absolute-positioned responsive overrides not being applied correctly

  • Incorrect undo action when moving nodes between containers

  • Set correct focus on inputs after inline editing text in the canvas


  • Decreased the initial loading time when opening the builder

  • Added a simple onboarding flow when creating a new site

  • The not authorized error states when viewing certain pages

  • Better automatic sizing and added alignment field for app embeds

  • Show the Shopify shop ID on the dashboard site overview

  • Allows multiple shortcuts for the same action (e.g. Backspace & DEL)

  • Immediately redirect to login when the session has expired

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