
Nov 29, 2023

Slider elements

Instant Sliders - new feature
Instant Sliders - new feature
Instant Sliders - new feature

Introducing: Sliders

In our latest release, we’ve introduced an exciting new feature - Sliders. This update brings interactive sliders to your Instant pages and sections, enabling a dynamic way to showcase products, images, or content.

These sliders are highly customizable, offering various transition effects and display options. They are designed to be responsive, ensuring they look great on all devices and are SEO-friendly.

With Sliders, you can showcase multiple products or offers in a visually appealing and space-efficient manner. This makes them ideal for highlighting key content without overwhelming the page.

We’ve also added a range of new pre-built sliders to our sections library to help you get started more quickly. This includes product sliders, header sliders, review sliders, and more!

As with any of our building blocks, it’s also possible to build Sliders completely from scratch using “Elements”.

Watch the video to see the Sliders in action:

Check out our Slider documentation for a full breakdown of the feature.

Improvements & fixes


  • Mouse zoom issue that could result in the canvas jumping out of bounds

  • z-index issue when publishing overlapping absolute-positioned elements

  • Border value not showing in the design panel if only specified sides have a border

  • Disabled all mouse events in the builder for elements with interactions

  • Re-render element in the builder when the shadow is removed

  • Issue related to the custom font imports when using text styles


  • Added a default min-width to create a more expected growth behavior for flex elements

  • Normalized the letter spacing in the published code for more consistent output

  • Use “New tab: No” by default when adding a new interaction to an element

  • Clearer indication when the Shopify store is already connected to another site

  • Use Shopify AJAX add-to-cart event to make sure tracking events get fired

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Feb 10, 2025