
Feb 28, 2024

Tabs & Section Kits

changelog tabs and section kits
changelog tabs and section kits


Introducing the much-anticipated feature: “Tabs”. Make it easy for your customers to find the information they need by categorizing content under customizable tabs. In the tutorial below, we’ll dive into the ins and outs of this new and exciting feature.

Section Kits

Section Kits are a selection of CRO-optimized sections tailored for a specific industry. Every Section Kit contains 25+ Sections ready for you to use and customize to your liking.

With Section Kits, we take the guesswork out of building a converting page or section and speed up your workflow. In addition, all Sections in the kits are responsive out of the box.

The latest Section Kit is called Velocity.

This kit is based on top-performing sports apparel brands. Each month we’ll drop multiple new Section Kits.

Improvements and fixes

  • Added the option to set an active trigger on all elements

  • Improved formatting of URLs when publishing sections to Shopify

  • Canvas width improved behavior for changing input value

  • Clearer unauthorized messages when not a member of a site

  • Improved layout for update notification to prevent layout shift

  • Exclude draft and hidden products when fetching products

  • Additional logic for edge cases of partially hidden layers

  • Added a new introduction video on the Learn overview

  • Encode email subject when using mailto interactions

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