
Instant News


May 15, 2024

BEACN’s social proof solution: Shopify sections built in <30 mins

BEACN customer story with grant spychka
BEACN customer story with grant spychka
Rebecca Anderson

Rebecca Anderson

BEACN’s social proof solution: Shopify sections built in <30 mins

Well-displayed social proof is more than just a “nice to have” for successful Shopify merchants; it’s a must. In fact, 66% of shoppers around the world have said that seeing social proof while online shopping would positively influence their purchasing decisions. 

For Grant Spychka, Director of Marketing at BEACN, the search to find a social proof solution led to Instant, a no-code Shopify section builder. 

With Instant, he has been able to: 

  • Create a custom social proof ticker in less than 30 mins

  • Reduce page development time/resources

  • Find inspiration from pre-built kits and other Instant users!

Here’s how he did it. 

Building engaging sections with ease

Grant was looking for a solution to create an engaging press and social proof section that would captivate visitors without consuming valuable developer time. Instant’s social proof ticker from the wireframes kit provided the perfect answer!

Here’s what he built: 

“For quite some time, we’d been looking for a solution for building a really solid press/social section that would attract users’ attention, but everything that we could think of would cost dev hours from our team and would take away from the other work that they were doing,” says Grant, “When Instant released the new social proof ticker in the wireframes kit, I was able to easily customize that section and get it live within about 30 mins tops.

grant spycha quote: using Instant is helpful because he is not a designer. With instant, he can build pages himself, without developer assistance or coding.

Streamlining content creation

The ability to launch content quickly with Instant has transformed Grant’s content creation process (and removed developer/code dependencies from the equation). This has streamlined their workflow and allowed for rapid innovation, which is essential for BEACN’s ambitious team!

We’re a small team with big ideas and ambitions, so having a tool like Instant that lets us build, test, and launch in small timeframes is amazing,” says Grant, “It makes it easier for me in particular because I can execute on an idea right away, instead of waiting on someone else to help out or build something from scratch. In the simplest terms, it improves our workflow more than almost any other tool we use.”

Leveraging pre-built templates for speed

Using Instant’s pre-built templates and section kits, Grant and his team have built everything from sale tickers to social proof sections, to landing page headers for split testing. That’s why it’s no surprise that these kits are his favorite feature! 

“Easily my favorite feature is the inspiration kits. Between brand kits and wireframe kits, there’s absolutely no shortage of inspiration from high-performing ecom brands that we can build on and publish in a short time,” says Grant, “It takes a lot of the guesswork out of building and removes the “from scratch” portion when you’re short on time.”

Advice for other Instant users

Grant highly recommends joining the Instant Slack community. The support and ideas exchanged within the community have been invaluable for refining strategies and inspiring new projects.

Get into the Slack community ASAP,” advises Grant. “The Instant team is there and is so friendly, helpful, and responsive! Plus, there are a ton of other really inspiring brands and operators working on their own projects there, which can give you some really cool ideas for new pages or sections!”


BEACN's success with Instant showcases the power of user-friendly Shopify page building! Grant (and his team) can build content themselves, freeing up valuable development resources and accelerating the launch of new ideas! 

The ability to quickly build custom Shopify content is one of the reasons BEACN has recommended Instant to other Shopify merchants: 

BEACN shopify review of Instant page builder

Grant’s use of Instant can serve as inspiration for other marketing teams that want to build Shopify content themselves (without the hours of development time!).

If you’re ready to build faster and get design inspiration from 100s of pre-built Shopify sections and templates, explore Instant for free today! 

social proof cta for Instant

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