


Jul 15, 2024

Developing better email marketing practices: Insights from Yuval Ackerman

Rebecca Anderson

Developing better email marketing practices: Insights from Yuval Ackerman

Email marketing has evolved significantly over the past few decades. With the rise of digital marketing, ethical practices in email marketing have become paramount. In a recent episode of the Click To Buy podcast, we had the pleasure of speaking with Yuval Ackerman, an ethical email marketing consultant at Ethical Emails. Yuval shared her invaluable insights on transforming subscribers into loyal fans using her unique framework. Let’s dive into the key takeaways from our conversation.

Who is Yuval Ackerman?

Yuval Ackerman is a seasoned ethical email strategist who helps personal brands and companies foster deeper connections with their subscribers. Her approach emphasizes people and the planet, moving beyond traditional profit-focused email marketing. Apart from her professional expertise, Yuval is a pasta-loving, full-time nomad on a quest to find a place to call home.

Developing Better Email Marketing Practices

To get the full episode, listen in via Spotify or watch the video version on YouTube:

1. The Shift from Monologue to Dialogue

Yuval emphasized the importance of transitioning from a one-way communication model to a two-way dialogue. "Traditional email marketing is more about profit, profit, profit. The future is about people, the planet, and building long-term relationships."

2. Sustainable and Ethical List Building

Yuval advised against using incentives like discounts to attract subscribers, as they often lead to price-sensitive audiences. Instead, focus on understanding and meeting your audience’s needs. "You definitely want to attract the right people into your list."

3. The Dangers of Unethical Practices

Collecting emails without proper consent can lead to significant issues, including being reported as spam. "Getting the right people in with their permission is just phase one. You must maintain this relationship in the best way possible."

4. Omnichannel Feedback Integration

Understanding why subscribers unsubscribe or mark emails as spam is crucial. Yuval highlighted the importance of feedback loops across all brand channels. "Email does not live in a silo. It’s a part of a whole system."

5. The FAN Framework

Yuval introduced her FAN framework—Fun, Activity-based segmentation, and Networking. This approach ensures emails are engaging, tailored to subscriber activity, and integrated with broader business strategies. "Once everything clicks, your email marketing can work for you around the clock."

Yuval’s Click-Worthy Tip

Yuval's top advice for e-commerce marketers is to get insanely curious about their consumers. "Try to get as much information about them and from them consensually. Develop practices that are better for everyone involved."

Final Thoughts

Ethical email marketing is not just about compliance; it’s about building genuine, lasting relationships with your audience. By following Yuval Ackerman’s insights and framework, brands can create email marketing strategies that are not only effective but also respectful and engaging. For more tips from Yuval, be sure to connect with her on LinkedIn, Threads, or subscribe to her newsletter at EthicalEmails.co.

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