
Instant News


Aug 21, 2024

From Figma to Shopify: Maison Commerce’s 10x faster workflow with Instant

Kasper and Coen webinar
Kasper and Coen webinar

Instant Team

From Figma to Shopify: Maison Commerce’s 10x faster workflow with Instant

Imagine cutting down your project timelines by 10x without compromising quality. That’s exactly what Maison Commerce has achieved by integrating Instant into their Shopify workflow.

In a recent webinar, Kasper Dolk, Founder of Maison Commerce, shared insights into how his agency has accelerated growth and streamlined operations by leveraging Instant and Shopify. Maison Commerce, a full-service Shopify agency based in Amsterdam, is renowned for its unique approach, blending design, development, copywriting, and conversion rate optimization (CRO).

To learn more about how agencies can scale their growth efforts by using Instant, rewatch the webinar or keep reading for our full recap:

Here are the key takeaways from the discussion:

1. Full-service approach: The secret sauce of Maison Commerce

Maison Commerce differentiates itself by offering a full-service package. Unlike many agencies that specialize in just design, development, or copywriting, Maison Commerce integrates all these elements with a strong focus on CRO. Kasper explained, “Clients come to us because they want the full package. We have designers, developers, and copywriters who take on the entire project, ensuring everything is aligned with a conversion-focused approach.”

2. Niche focus on eCommerce

Kasper emphasized the importance of niching down to eCommerce, particularly within verticals like supplements, fashion, and beauty. “We chose the eCommerce niche because you can instantly measure the impact of your work,” he said. “Whether it’s conversion rates or average order value, the results are tangible, and that’s what makes this space so exciting.”

3. Instant: A game-changer for speed and efficiency

Before adopting Instant, Maison Commerce relied on a more time-consuming process involving Figma and Webflow, followed by manual adjustments in Shopify. “The entire workflow went from Figma, revisions, then development in Webflow to Shopify,” Kasper recalled. “With Instant, we’ve cut down the time to build and launch landing pages by up to 10x. Now, we can go from design approval to a live page within a few hours.”

4. Instant's Figma Plugin: A seamless design-to-development workflow

One of the standout features Kasper highlighted was Instant’s Figma plugin. This tool allows designers to copy entire sections from Figma and paste them into Instant with pixel-perfect accuracy. “The Instant Figma plugin blew us away,” Kasper shared. “You can literally get a section from Figma to Instant in minutes, with minimal need for coding. It’s a game-changer for our workflow.”

5. Translating and scaling with Instant

Maison Commerce has also leveraged Instant to help clients scale internationally. Instant’s native integration with Shopify markets ensures that landing pages are fully translatable and customizable for different regions. “Speed of execution is critical in eCommerce,” Kasper explained. “With Instant, our clients can tap into new markets quickly and efficiently, thanks to its seamless integration with Shopify’s native translation features.”

6. Easy adoption and learning curve

Kasper noted that the learning curve for adopting Instant was minimal, especially for teams already familiar with Figma. “The UI is very intuitive. Our designers and even clients can hop in and make small changes without any hassle. It’s a tool that’s easy to pick up and start using effectively,” he said.

7. The future of agency work with Instant

Looking ahead, Kasper sees Instant as a tool that democratizes development, making it accessible to more people and enabling faster, more efficient project execution. “At first, building landing pages required a designer, developer, and copywriter. Now, with Instant, one person can handle the entire process,” Kasper noted. “It’s a tool that will open up new possibilities for agencies and brands alike.”

The benefits of using Instant as an agency

For agencies like Maison Commerce, Instant is more than just a tool—it's a game-changer. Here’s why:

  1. Dramatic time savings: With Instant, what used to take weeks can now be accomplished in hours. This speed allows agencies to take on more projects and deliver results faster, meeting client demands in record time.

  2. Seamless Figma integration: Instant’s Figma plugin ensures that designs are transferred to Shopify with pixel-perfect accuracy, reducing the need for extensive coding and manual adjustments. This streamlines the workflow and minimizes errors, leading to higher client satisfaction.

  3. Scalability and flexibility: Instant’s integration with Shopify’s native markets and translation features allows agencies to quickly scale their clients' businesses internationally. The ability to customize landing pages for different markets ensures that brands can test and adapt quickly.

  4. User-friendly interface: Instant’s intuitive drag-and-drop interface allows even non-developers to create and edit pages effortlessly. This accessibility empowers teams, including designers and clients, to contribute directly to the project, enhancing collaboration and efficiency.

By incorporating Instant into their operations, agencies can enhance service offerings, improve client outcomes, and stay competitive in the fast-paced eCommerce landscape.

Conclusion: The Instant advantage

Maison Commerce’s experience with Instant is a testament to the power of innovation in agency workflows. By adopting Instant, they’ve been able to deliver faster, more precise results to their clients, all while maintaining the high standards they’re known for. Whether you’re an agency looking to streamline your processes or an eCommerce brand aiming to scale rapidly, Instant offers a solution that can transform the way you work.

Ready to see how Instant can revolutionize your eCommerce operations? Explore Instant today and discover the tools helping agencies like Maison Commerce achieve 10x faster results.

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