


Oct 7, 2024

How to use psychology in your Shopify store design [Expert interview]

Gintare click to buy
Gintare click to buy
Gintare click to buy
Rebecca Anderson
Rebecca Anderson

Rebecca Anderson

How to use psychology in your Shopify store design [Expert interview]

As a store owner or designer, you’ve probably heard that psychology plays a crucial role in how customers interact with your eCommerce store. But how exactly can you use that knowledge to improve your store design, build trust, and ultimately boost conversions? In the latest episode of Click To Buy, we sat down with Gintare Forshaw, Co-Founder and CRO Consultant at Convertex Digital, to explore the role of psychology in eCommerce.

Gintare shared how understanding human behavior—whether through social proof, trust-building, or A/B testing—can transform your online store into a high-converting experience. This isn’t just about adding bells and whistles; it’s about leveraging psychology to create authentic, customer-centric designs that work.

Click To Buy, Episode 28: How to use psychology in your store design  

To get the full episode, listen on Spotify or watch on YouTube:

Gintare’s journey into CRO and psychology  

Becca (01:11): I would love it if you could just tell me a little bit about your journey into CRO and how psychology became such a key part of your work.

Gintare Forshaw: "I started my journey about eight years ago. I’ve worked in a lot of different setups, from startups to full-service agencies, freelancing, and even in-house roles. But what really pulled me into CRO was my background in psychology. I got my qualification over a decade ago, and I always knew I wanted to use it in some way. Before that, I worked in a genetics lab—I have a science degree—so I had this mix of science and psychology and thought, ‘How do I combine these?’ That’s what led me to CRO, and I’ve been doing it for nearly nine years now.  

Psychology is really the foundation of what we do at Convertex. We make sure the customer’s voice is front and center in everything we do. We base our strategies on understanding human behavior—why people act the way they do online, why they say one thing but do another. It’s fascinating to see how emotions and perceptions drive online behavior. That’s what I’m passionate about, and that’s why I’m in this industry."

The role of social proof in purchasing decisions  

Becca (03:18): With your psychology background, could you give us insight into the role of social proof in buying decisions?

Gintare Forshaw: "Social proof taps into a few fundamental psychological principles that shape how we make decisions. One of them is conformity. We have this natural tendency to conform to what other people are doing. If others are endorsing a product or service, that sends a strong signal that it’s a safe and acceptable choice, so we’re more likely to go for it.  

Authority is another one. We tend to trust experts or authority figures, and that’s why testimonials from industry leaders, influencers, or even satisfied customers can lend credibility to a brand. Then there’s liking. We’re more likely to be influenced by people we actually like. That’s where influencer marketing comes into play—it’s incredibly powerful. Lastly, there’s scarcity, which ties into the fear of missing out (FOMO). When something seems scarce or in high demand, we feel an urgency to act. 

It’s these four elements—conformity, authority, liking, and scarcity—that make social proof so effective in driving purchasing decisions."

How to build trust in your online store  

Becca (07:53): We know that trust is a major factor in the purchasing decision. How can brands build more trust online?

Gintare Forshaw: "Trust is huge. It’s the foundation of any long-term customer relationship. The basics start with having a well-designed, user-friendly website. It sounds obvious, but clear information, transparent pricing, and visible policies—like your return and refund policy—are critical. If customers can’t find those things or feel like they’re being hidden, trust erodes.  

On top of that, secure payment methods and authentic customer reviews are essential. It’s one thing to say you have a great product, but seeing real people talk about their positive experiences with your brand builds that trust. Transparency in your operations—whether it’s pricing, policies, or even your customer service—creates a sense of integrity. Customers want to know they’re buying from a brand that’s upfront and honest. If you’re open and clear about everything, trust will naturally follow."

The role of AI in building trust  

Becca (10:06): What are your thoughts on AI being used in stores, and how does that impact consumer trust?

Gintare Forshaw: "It depends. Some customers—especially those who work in digital industries or are more tech-savvy—are comfortable with AI. They understand how it works and appreciate it when it’s used to enhance their experience, like virtual try-ons for clothes or glasses. But there’s another group of people—maybe older generations or those less familiar with digital tools—who are more apprehensive about AI.  

The danger comes when AI is used unethically, like generating fake reviews. That’s a clear violation of trust. For me, it’s about authenticity. Use AI to assist customers, not deceive them. When it’s used to make the shopping experience better, AI can be a great tool. But when it crosses the line into misrepresentation, that’s where brands can lose trust quickly."

A/B testing and how to leverage it for better customer experience  

Becca (13:40): How can A/B testing be used to improve customer experience in online stores?

Gintare Forshaw: "A/B testing is crucial. It allows brands to try out different variations of a page and see what works better. When it comes to trust signals like reviews, placement and prominence matter a lot. I’ve seen brands put their reviews all the way at the bottom of the page where almost no one sees them. What’s the point? You have these great, authentic reviews—why not showcase them? Even if they’re not at the top, make sure there’s a link or an anchor that directs customers to the reviews easily.  

Formats matter, too. Some brands only show star ratings with no way to click and read the actual reviews. That’s frustrating for customers. Experiment with different formats—whether it’s written testimonials, video reviews, or carousels. And don’t forget to track the results. Look at metrics like conversion rates, clicks, and engagement. A/B testing can help refine your store’s design and improve the overall customer experience."

Final tip for merchants  

Becca (30:46): What’s one piece of advice you would give to merchants looking to improve their customer experience?

Gintare Forshaw: "Put your customers in the spotlight. Feature authentic testimonials and reviews, and make sure they’re visible. Leverage social proof to build trust with your audience. Make it about your customers, not just your brand. When customers see themselves reflected in your store, they feel more connected, which translates into better trust and higher conversions."

Final thoughts  

Psychology is a powerful tool for store owners looking to optimize their eCommerce experience. By incorporating social proof, building trust, and leveraging A/B testing, you can create a store that not only looks good but also resonates with your customers on a deeper level. As the holiday season approaches, these strategies can help you stand out and drive conversions, all while creating a more authentic and trustworthy shopping experience.

To hear the full conversation with Gintare Forshaw, check out Click To Buy on Spotify or watch on YouTube.

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