


Jul 18, 2024

Popular product bundle design trends on Shopify

Popular product bundle design trends on Shopify blog banner
Popular product bundle design trends on Shopify blog banner

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Popular product bundle design trends on Shopify

Product bundling is a concept that stands out as a quintessential strategy for merchants aiming to increase sales, enhance customer value, and streamline inventory management. Particularly on platforms like Shopify, where versatility and user engagement are paramount, understanding and implementing effective product bundle designs can dramatically influence a store's success. This comprehensive exploration into product bundles on Shopify highlights current trends and provides actionable insights and strategies to optimize product pages effectively.

The allure of product bundles lies in their ability to offer convenience and value to the customer, encouraging larger purchases through combined offerings. This tactic satisfies the customer's desire for a deal and increases the merchant's average order value. As we delve into the nuances of creating appealing product bundles, we will cover various aspects—from selecting complementary products and strategic pricing to using Shopify's page builder for crafting bespoke bundle presentations.

Our journey through the landscape of Shopify product bundling will include practical tips, illustrated examples, and data-driven strategies designed to enhance user engagement and maximize sales. Whether you are a seasoned Shopify merchant or new to the platform, understanding these trends will equip you with the tools to transform how products are presented and sold in your online store.

Optimizing Shopify product pages

Importance of clear layouts and effective CTAs

Optimizing product pages is fundamental in effectively promoting product bundles. Here’s how you can enhance page efficiency:

Visual clarity

Ensure your Shopify pages are clean and straightforward, making it easy for customers to navigate and understand what's being offered. Avoid clutter by using consistent font sizes and readable colors, and keep key information such as product benefits and prices in a prominent view. This simplicity helps reduce customer confusion and streamlines the journey from browsing to purchasing.

Effective calls to action

The power of an effective CTA cannot be overstated. Phrases like "Buy Now" or "Get The Bundle" should be visually distinct and strategically placed to guide customers toward purchasing. Consider the color and size of your CTA buttons—using contrasting colors can make them stand out more on the page. Moreover, provide clear, compelling reasons next to the CTAs communicating the benefits of purchasing the bundle.

High-quality images and descriptions

Vivid images

High-resolution images are crucial in online shopping, where visual appeal can significantly influence buying decisions. Display your product bundles using professional-quality photos from multiple angles, and consider using a zoom feature to allow detailed viewing. Show the products used in real-life settings to help customers visualize them better.

Detailed descriptions

Effective product descriptions are vital. They should concisely convey the bundle's benefits, focusing on how it meets customer needs or solves problems. Using bullet points to list features or benefits makes the information easy to digest. Highlight the savings and convenience the bundle offers, emphasizing the value compared to purchasing items separately.

Customer reviews and social proof

Authentic reviews

Showcasing genuine customer reviews on your product pages can enhance trust and credibility. Reviews highlighting specific advantages of the bundles—like cost savings, convenience, or product quality—can persuade others to purchase. Make sure these reviews are easily visible and include a variety of opinions and experiences to provide a balanced view.

User-generated content

Encourage your customers to share their photos and stories using the bundled products. This type of content serves as powerful social proof and helps humanize your brand and products. Feature this user-generated content prominently on your product pages or in a dedicated gallery.

Creating Shopify bundles effectively

Selecting the right products

The success of a bundle largely depends on the relevance and compatibility of the included products. Choose items that naturally complement each other or are typically used together. For example, you could bundle a camera with a carrying case and a memory card, which together enhance the product's utility.

Customer demand

Understanding and anticipating customer needs is crucial. Analyze shopping behavior and trends to identify products frequently bought together or request customer feedback to determine which combinations they might find appealing. This insight allows you to create bundles that are not only attractive but also practical.

Pricing strategies

Discount offers

Attractive pricing is essential for successful bundles. Offer a noticeable discount on the bundle compared to the total cost of the items if purchased separately. This creates a perception of savings and can be a decisive factor for budget-conscious customers.

Transparent pricing

Maintain transparency in your pricing strategy to build trust. Communicate how much the customer saves through the bundle and avoid any hidden fees that could emerge during the checkout process.

Flexible bundling options

Customization options

Allow customers to tailor bundles to their preferences. Options could include selecting different colors, sizes, or additional features, which enhance the shopping experience and increase the perceived value of the purchase.


Offer a range of bundles to cater to various customer needs and preferences. This could include different combinations of products or tiers of pricing, providing choices that suit different budgets and requirements.

Using Shopify page builder for custom bundles

Drag-and-drop customization

Instant page builder for Shopify stores is designed for ease of use. It allows even those without technical skills to create attractive and functional landing and product pages to highlight your product bundles. Utilize the drag-and-drop interface to add, arrange, and customize elements on the page quickly.

Design freedom

Experiment with different layouts and visual styles to find the most effective way to present your bundles. Test different images, text, and CTAs configurations to determine which designs drive the most engagement and conversions.

App integration

Leverage Shopify’s extensive app marketplace to find tools specifically designed for creating and managing product bundles. These apps can help automate pricing adjustments, manage inventory for bundled items, and enhance the overall functionality of your bundling strategy.

Advanced features

Select apps that offer advanced features like dynamic pricing, which can automatically adjust prices based on inventory levels or sales goals. Look for apps that provide detailed analytics on bundle performance, which can help refine your strategy over time.

A/B testing for optimization

Test variations

Continuously test different aspects of your bundle presentations to find what works best. This includes experimenting with various images, descriptions, and placement of CTAs.

Analyze results

Use Shopify’s analytics tools to track the performance of different bundle variations. Analyze data on page visits, conversion rates, and customer feedback to make informed decisions about the most effective strategies.


Implementing well-designed product bundles on Shopify is an effective strategy to enhance sales and customer experience. By staying informed on the latest design trends and leveraging the robust capabilities of Shopify’s page builder, merchants can create compelling, customized presentations that resonate with their target audience. This approach not only boosts the perceived value of your offerings but also encourages customer engagement, leading to sustained business growth and success in the competitive eCommerce landscape.

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