


Jul 23, 2024

Ultimate guide: Crafting effective e-commerce listicle landing pages

listicle landing page blog cover
listicle landing page blog cover
listicle landing page blog cover
Rebecca Anderson
Rebecca Anderson

Rebecca Anderson

Ultimate guide: Crafting effective e-commerce listicle landing pages

Struggling to create e-commerce listicle landing pages that convert? In 2024, building a compelling landing page is crucial for Direct-to-Consumer (DTC) e-commerce brands. Gone are the days of generic, uninspiring lists that fail to capture your audience's attention. It’s time to level up your listicle game and craft landing pages that not only engage visitors but also drive sales.

In this comprehensive guide, we'll walk you through the simple steps to create e-commerce listicle landing pages that sell more. From understanding your target audience to optimizing for conversions, we've got you covered. 

Here’s a quick summary of what you can expect in this blog:

  • What is a listicle style landing page?

  • Benefits for DTC e-commerce brands

  • Popular listicle formats for e-commerce

  • Step-by-step guide to building a listicle landing page

  • How to drive traffic to your listicle landing page

Let’s dive in!

What is a listicle style landing page? 

A listicle style landing page is a type of web page designed to attract and engage visitors by presenting content in the form of a list. The term "listicle" is a blend of "list" and "article." This format combines the readability and skimmability of a list with the informative depth of an article, making it a popular choice for digital content.

Key features of a listicle style landing page:

  1. Clear and structured layout: The page is organized into a series of sections, each highlighting a specific point or item in the list. This makes it easy for visitors to navigate and absorb the information quickly.

  2. Engaging headlines: Each list item typically has a catchy headline that draws the reader's attention and succinctly conveys the main point.

  3. Visual elements: Images, icons, or graphics often accompany each list item to enhance visual appeal and provide context. This helps break up the text and keeps the reader engaged.

  4. Concise and informative text: The text for each list item is usually brief and to the point, providing essential information without overwhelming the reader.

  5. Call to Action (CTA): A strong CTA is often included at the end of the list or interspersed within the content, encouraging visitors to take a specific action, such as signing up for a newsletter, purchasing a product, or downloading a resource.

Benefits for DTC e-commerce brands:

There are many reasons to use a listicle landing page as part of your ecom strategy.

Some of the benefits include:

  • Easy to read: The list format makes the content easy to scan, which is ideal for busy online shoppers.

  • Increased engagement: The structured and visually appealing layout helps maintain visitor interest and reduces bounce rates.

  • Highlighting benefits: It allows brands to clearly highlight the key benefits or features of their products in a compelling and digestible format.

  • Improved SEO: Listicles often perform well in search engine rankings due to their structured format and potential for generating backlinks.

Potential use cases:

Listicles can be used for a number of different purposes, including:

  • Product features: A listicle landing page might list "10 Reasons Why Our Product is the Best" to clearly communicate the product's advantages.

  • Customer testimonials: Another example could be "5 Stories from Happy Customers," showcasing positive experiences to build trust and credibility.

  • How-to guides: A page titled "7 Steps to Use Our Product Effectively" can provide useful tips and encourage proper usage of the product.

Now that we’ve covered the benefits and use-cases for listicle style landing pages, let’s dive deeper into popular types of listicles used by eCommerce brands!

4 Examples of listicle landing pages

Four common listicle landing page formats are:

  • X Reasons to buy

  • X Items perfect for X occasion/holiday

  • X Ways to use

  • X Before and after results

1. “X Reasons to Buy”

This type of listicle sighlight key benefits and unique selling points of your products to persuade customers to make a purchase.

Example from Venus et Fleur: "5 Reasons the Mini Le Plein makes the perfect gift”

Example from Ekster: “7 Reasons why you need an Ekster wallet”

2. “X Items perfect for X occasion”

These pages showcase a curated selection of products that are essential for a particular season, occasion, or trend.

Example from Snif: "3 Unique fragrances perfect for any occasion”

Related example from Swoveralls: 

3. “X Ways to Use”

This style educates customers on the various uses and benefits of a product, demonstrating its versatility and value.

Example from Loop Earplugs: “5 Ways to help ringing ears”

4. “X Before and After Results”

This style showcases transformative results achieved with your products, using compelling visuals to persuade potential customers.

Example from Solawave: “Solawave Before and Afters”

Using these listicle formats, e-commerce brands can create engaging and persuasive landing pages that highlight product benefits, trends, and special offers, ultimately driving customer interest and sales.

Now that you’ve seen examples of listicle landing pages, let’s explore how you can build your own for your Shopify store!

How to create listicle landing pages: A step-by-step guide

Building a compelling landing page is crucial for Direct-to-Consumer (DTC) e-commerce brands. It’s your digital storefront, and it needs to be engaging, informative, and user-friendly. 

Luckily, with the help of a landing page builder, you can build your own listicle landing pages with ease! 

One of the most popular formats for listicles is a “5 reasons why” page. Their clear layout and concise information provide an easy-to-read format to nudge shoppers toward a purchase. 

Jones Road has a great "5 Reasons why" landing page that you can easily rebuild in Instant and publish to your Shopify store. 

To help you rebuild this page for your store, we’ll go step-by-step through the build process. Follow these steps to craft a stunning landing page without any coding!


For this build, you can either watch the video tutorial (or keep reading along in this blog)!

In this tutorial, we'll use the Instant platform to rebuild Jones Road's landing page from scratch and publish it on Shopify. This approach helps in creating engaging content that can be used effectively in social advertising campaigns.

Step 1: Setting up the header

1.1 Adding the logo and button

  • Drag and drop: Begin by dragging in the base row for the navigation. Add the Jones Road logo from the asset panel.

  • Adjust spacing: Set the inside spacing to 10 pixels for the top and bottom, and 60 pixels for the left and right. Resize the logo width from 500 to 300 pixels and center-align it.

  • Add button: Drag in a button next to the logo. Change the layout direction from vertical to horizontal, distribute the space evenly, and align both elements to the center.

  • Customize button: Change the text to "Shop Now," select the Roboto Mono font, and adjust the button size to have a 16-pixel top and bottom padding, and 24-pixel left and right padding. Set the border radius to 4 pixels.

Step 2: Building the hero section

2.1 Creating the layout

  • Add a row and columns: Drag in a new row for the hero section and split it into two columns.

  • Add image: On the left column, fill it with the hero image and set the height to 400 pixels.

  • Add text: On the right column, add a header with the text "Five Reasons You Won't Regret Buying What The Foundation." Apply the pre-set headline style and resize the text to 32 pixels.

2.2 Adding Reviews

  • Star icons and text: Below the header, add another row with star icons and text stating "Over 11,000 Five-Star Reviews." Align these elements horizontally and apply the body text style.

Step 3: Creating the listicle sections

3.1 First listicle item

  • Structure: Add a row and split it into two columns. Adjust the spacing to 60 pixels on all sides.

  • Add image: On the left column, fill it with the appropriate image.

  • Add text: On the right column, add the number "1" with the headline style, followed by a subheader and a paragraph text explaining the first reason.

3.2 Adding highlights

  • Text and icons: Within the right column, add a highlighted text row with a branded background color, and include an icon and text saying "Verified Buyer."

3.3 Ensuring consistency

  • Spacing: Adjust the gap between the rows to ensure a uniform look. Repeat these steps to create the remaining listicle items.

Step 4: Making it responsive

4.1 Adjusting for different devices

  • Header: Ensure the header looks good across all devices by resizing the logo and button for mobile view.

  • Hero section: For tablets, change the layout direction to vertical and adjust the image size and text spacing.

  • Listicle items: Repeat the responsiveness checks for each listicle item, ensuring that images and text elements are well-aligned and appropriately spaced.

Step 5: Final touches

5.1 Duplicating sections

  • Duplicate and fill content: Duplicate the first listicle section to create the remaining reasons, updating the text and images accordingly.

5.2 Sticky header

  • Make header sticky: Change the header’s position to sticky so it remains visible as users scroll down the page. Ensure it is placed on top of all other layers.

Step 6: Adding Social Proof and CTA

6.1 Social proof section

  • Logos: Add a section with brand logos to build trust. Adjust the sizes and spacing for a clean look.

6.2 Final Call to Action

  • CTA section: Duplicate the hero section for the final call to action. Update the image and text to encourage users to take action.

Step 7: Publishing

7.1 Preview and Publish

  • Preview: Check the entire page across all devices to ensure everything looks perfect.

  • Publish: Finally, publish the landing page to your Shopify store, ensuring it's live and functional.

By following these steps, you can create a visually appealing and effective listicle-style landing page for your DTC e-commerce brand. This structure not only enhances user engagement but also drives conversions by clearly highlighting the benefits of your products. But in order to drive more conversions, you first need to drive traffic to your landing pages. 

How to drive traffic to your listicle landing page?

There are several tactics that can be used to drive visitors to your landing pages. For example, one common tactic is using landing pages as part of your PPC campaign. Using a mix of these tactics can produce the best results:  

1. Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

  • Keyword research: Identify and use relevant keywords throughout your listicle to improve its search engine ranking.

  • On-page SEO: Optimize meta tags, headers, and image alt texts. Ensure the page loads quickly and is mobile-friendly.

  • Internal linking: Link to the listicle from other relevant pages on your website to boost its visibility and authority.

2. Social Media Marketing

  • Share on platforms: Share the listicle on your brand’s social media profiles, including Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram.

  • Engaging posts: Create engaging posts with eye-catching images or snippets from the listicle to entice clicks.

  • Paid Ads: Use paid social media advertising to target specific demographics and drive traffic to the landing page.

3. Email marketing

  • Newsletter Inclusion: Feature the listicle in your email newsletter with a compelling subject line and a brief introduction.

  • Segmentation: Send targeted emails to specific segments of your mailing list who are most likely to be interested in the content.

  • Personalization: Personalize the email content to make it more relevant to the recipient.

4. Content marketing

  • Blog Posts: Write a blog post that complements the listicle and includes a link to it. This can provide additional context and drive traffic.

  • Guest blogging: Contribute guest posts to industry blogs with links back to your listicle.

  • Influencer collaborations: Partner with influencers in your niche to share the listicle with their followers.

5. Paid Advertising

  • Google Ads: Use Google Ads to target keywords related to your listicle and drive traffic from search engines.

  • Display Ads: Create visually appealing display ads that link to your listicle and place them on relevant websites.

  • Retargeting: Use retargeting campaigns to bring back visitors who have previously visited your site but did not convert.

6. Partnerships and Collaborations

  • Affiliate marketing: Partner with affiliates who can promote your listicle in exchange for a commission on any resulting sales.

  • Cross-promotions: Collaborate with complementary brands to share each other’s content and reach a broader audience.

Implementing a combination of these strategies can effectively promote your listicle landing pages, increase traffic, and drive conversions.


Creating an engaging and effective listicle-style landing page can significantly enhance your Shopify brand's online presence and drive conversions. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can craft visually appealing landing pages that highlight your products' benefits and compel visitors to take action.

Don't let your landing pages fall flat—try the Instant Page Builder today and start creating listicle landing pages that captivate and convert!

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