
Instant News


Sep 6, 2024

How Glued, a top DTC agency, increased client conversions with Instant

glued customer story
glued customer story
rebecca anderson

Rebecca Anderson

How Glued, a top DTC agency, increased client conversions with Instant

Glued, an official Instant Agency Partner, is a leading eCommerce agency known for its exceptional DTC landing page design, CRO testing, and Shopify development. With over 550 global brands in its portfolio, Glued specializes in merging creative visual storytelling with data-driven strategies to deliver compelling results. Leveraging Instant Page Builder, Glued has created high-converting Shopify pages and sections tailored to diverse brand needs.

This case study demonstrates how Glued harnessed Instant to achieve remarkable outcomes for three distinct clients: Habibi New York, Lull, and Teaonic. 

Through these examples, we’ll explore how Instant’s no-code capabilities empower agencies like Glued to optimize landing pages, drive online sales, and achieve outstanding client success.

Elevating conversion rates for Habibi New York

Glued began by applying Instant’s capabilities to Habibi New York, a brand synonymous with luxury in the fragrance industry. To attract new customers, Habibi New York asked Glued to enhance its online presence through improved branding, messaging, A/B testing, and Shopify development.

This led to Glued creating multiple pages and sections using Instant. The different designs were then split-tested to optimize for maximum performance with cold, top-of-the-funnel traffic.

Landing page design and testing

When designing pages for Habibi NY, Glued’s team designed multiple versions to identify the most effective elements for engaging cold traffic. 

For example, let’s take a look at the variations they created for Habibi New York’s “Desert Oud” perfume:

habibi new york a b testing example
  • Review slider: One version shows an embedded review slider placed under the CTA button to reinforce product credibility and entice potential buyers.

They also tested different variations of sections within this product page: 

product page a b testing example

Some of the differences include: 

  • “Real Stories, Real Scents” section: One version featured videos of satisfied customers sharing their experiences with the product. The addition of this testimonial section aimed to build trust and authenticity, offering potential buyers real-life endorsements of the fragrance.

  • Product recommendations: Another version incorporated a “You May Also Like” section, providing personalized product recommendations to encourage additional purchases.

Other, additional variations they tested included: 

  • Call-to-action variations: Testing different CTA text, such as “Add to Cart” versus “Buy Now,” helped determine which phrasing resonated more with users.

  • Payment options: The inclusion of additional payment options like Shop Pay and Klarna in some versions was tested to see if it influenced purchase decisions.


By A/B testing different page versions built with Instant, Glued was able to provide impressive results for their client: a 78.65% increase in conversion rates (CVR) for Habibi New York. 

The ability to swiftly iterate and test different design elements was crucial in optimizing page performance and delivering exceptional results. 

Driving growth for Lull: Transforming online sales

Building on their success with Habibi New York, Glued partnered with Lull, a company dedicated to providing premium sleep solutions. To further enhance their online sales and customer experience, Lull sought help from Glued with branding, Shopify development, and messaging.

To meet Lull’s objectives, Glued utilized Instant to build a high-converting landing page and migrate individual sections into Shopify. 

Landing page design and Shopify section migration

Glued developed a complete landing page design and individual Shopify sections for Lull. 

Here’s a closer look at some of the best sections from one of the landing pages they designed:

lull landing page design

This landing page starts with strong messaging in the hero, including a highlighted review for extra social proof. 

Further down on the page, there’s a comparison chart:

lull competitor comparison chart

This chart compares Lull against its top competitor in an easy-to-read format. This is a powerful way to convince shoppers who are undecided about which option is best. 

To nudge these shoppers towards a conversion, there is also a product section:

product cards - lull

This section showcases the best Lull products, including essential information and a clear discount offer. 

Further down the page, a reviews section adds extra credibility and social proof: 

reviews section

The reviews section provides written reviews, an average star rating, and a review guarantee.

Last but not least, there is a UGC section that shows real customers reviewing Lull’s products:

ugc video slider

Combined together into a stunning landing page, these sections have created a powerful narrative that has produced significant results! 


Lull saw a 40.30% increase in orders and a 43.13% boost in sales from the new landing pages and sections designed by Glued using Instant! The enhanced design not only improved user engagement but also drove substantial revenue growth.

A tailored approach: Customizing Teaonic’s Shopify theme

Finally, Glued turned its attention to Teaonic, a brand focused on ready-to-go herbal tea tonics. To elevate their online store, they picked Glued to assist with their Shopify design, messaging, and branding. 

To help Teaonic stand out in a competitive market, Glued used Instant to create bespoke sections that customized their Shopify theme. 

Custom Shopify homepage design

By using Instant to create Shopify sections, Glued was able to design a homepage for Teaonic that includes all the essential information new site visitors would be looking for, like: 

  • Good visualization of their product line and offerings

  • Easy navigation to different product collections

  • USPs/product benefits

  • User-generated content

  • Shipping information

  • Discounts/special offers

  • And more!


With Glued’s design expertise and skillful use of Instant Page Builder, Teaonic now has a Shopify store design that exceeds the limitations of their built-in Shopify theme possibilities. The sections that Glued built with Instant have transformed Teaonic’s homepage for a better user experience.


Glued's success stories with Habibi New York, Lull, and Teaonic illustrate the transformative power of Instant for agencies looking to elevate their clients’ eCommerce performance. By partnering with Instant, agencies gain access to a versatile design tool that streamlines the creation and deployment of high-converting Shopify pages.

The flexibility, speed, and effectiveness of Instant make it a vital partner for any agency aiming to maximize their clients' online success. Join the ranks of forward-thinking agencies like Glued— and join Instant’s Agency Partner program today!

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