


Sep 18, 2024

How to design high-converting DTC landing pages [Examples + templates]

Dtc landing page layouts blog
Dtc landing page layouts blog
rebecca anderson

Rebecca Anderson

How to design high-converting DTC landing pages [Examples + templates]

Direct-to-consumer (DTC) landing pages are not your average e-commerce store pages. They are designed with a single goal: to convert visitors into buyers. Unlike a full-fledged website, a DTC landing page focuses on featuring a specific product or campaign. They drive consumer actions without the clutter of additional site navigation.

In essence, a well-crafted DTC landing page is a powerful tool. It bridges the gap between brand and customer, making transactions more seamless. It’s the face of your brand for many new customers who will arrive from your paid ad campaigns. 

This guide will break down key elements of a successful DTC landing page design. 

Key elements of successful DTC landing pages

Designing a DTC landing page that converts involves several crucial elements. Each plays a distinct role in guiding visitors toward the desired action: buying.

Compelling headlines

The headline is the first element visitors see. A strong, problem-focused headline speaks directly to the consumer's needs. It sets the tone and ensures the visitor knows they're in the right place.

Clear and persuasive Call-To-Action (CTA)

A CTA guides the visitor on the next step. Phrased clearly, it tells what action to take. It's actionable, direct, and ties in seamlessly with the overall message. "Buy now," "Get started today," or "Learn more" are examples that prompt engagement.

Quality visuals

Images and videos on landing pages do more than decorate; they communicate. Quality visuals ensure that visitors connect with and understand the product. User-generated content (UGC) and high-res images validate the product and enhance trust.

Customer reviews and press mentions

Social proof, like reviews and mentions, builds trust. When a visitor sees others satisfied with your product, their hesitation decreases. It's about delivering assurance and boosting confidence during the decision-making process.

Simple yet impactful design

Finally, a clean and organized design amplifies functionality. A clutter-free page keeps the focus on what matters – conversion. It allows visitors to digest information faster and move toward a purchase without distraction.

Each of these components is essential for crafting a landing page that doesn’t just look good but converts.

Exploring types of DTC landing pages

Understanding the types of DTC landing pages available can further enhance their effectiveness.

Hero landing pages

Hero pages hone in on a specific product or collection. They mix a bold headline with a compelling value proposition. With a single call-to-action, they’re designed for immediate engagement.

Waitlist landing pages

Waitlist landing pages can be used to promote an upcoming product or collection launch. They use a form to collect email addresses (or SMS info), to create a list before the launch. 

For example, using Instant Page Builder, Built For Athletes created this early access landing page:

Advertorial landing pages

These are educational and persuasive. They often use listicles or interactive features to make a case for the product. They’re ideal for audiences needing in-depth information.

Collection landing pages

Instead of focusing on a single product, collection pages offer a variety, guiding visitors to choose. The aim is to showcase diversity while maintaining clear navigation for easy purchase paths.

For example, Glued, a DTC agency, built a landing page for Lull to showcase the line-up of mattresses they have available: 

Lull landing page designed by glued

By analyzing how landing pages are structured and designed, brands can better understand their role in driving conversions. This thoughtful approach to building landing pages ensures that every element serves a purpose. The end goal? A seamless customer journey that results in sales.

Best practices for DTC landing pages

1. Prioritize fast loading times

Impact of speed on conversions

Page speed directly affects your conversion rates. Potential customers lose interest when a page takes too long to load. Half of mobile users abandon a site if it takes over three seconds to load. If you think about online shopping, speed matters. Fast loading times provide better user experience, and this correlates with higher engagement. Even a one-second delay can result in a 7% decrease in conversions.

Tools to test and improve page speed

Testing tools like Google PageSpeed Insights and GTmetrix can be helpful. These tools analyze your site’s speed and provide improvement suggestions. Focus on compressing images and reducing redirects.

  • Compress images: Tools like TinyPNG reduce file sizes without losing quality.

  • Minimize JavaScript and CSS: Remove unnecessary code with tools like UglifyJS.

  • Use accelerated mobile pages (AMP): Improve mobile speed and performance.

2. Use clear and persuasive CTAs

Writing effective CTAs

Calls-to-action (CTAs) drive users to take a step forward, whether it's making a purchase or signing up for a newsletter. The language should be direct and action-oriented. Use words that command action, like "Buy Now" or "Join Free". The CTA should align with the objective of the landing page. For example, for email signups, prompts like "Subscribe Now" or "Get Updates" work well.

Examples of strong CTA phrasing

Let's look at some examples. "Shop Exclusive Deals" prompts immediate action by engaging the user's interest. On the contrary, "Learn More" might not work well for driving sales, as it is less direct. Studies show wording makes a big difference. A/B testing different CTA texts can further refine effectiveness. 

Users often misunderstand subtle phrases. It's better to be clear and precise. These practices ensure your DTC landing page captures attention quickly and them into actions. 

Optimizing your DTC landing pages for better results

3. Enhance User Experience (UX)

User Experience (UX) matters because it dictates how visitors interact with your landing page. A smooth UX guides people toward conversion with fewer barriers. If your page feels easy to navigate, visitors are more likely to stick around and complete the desired action. Imagine walking through a store where everything is easy to find. That’s what a good UX does for your landing page. When users understand where to go and what to do, you get more completed sales or sign-ups. Now, let’s look at how to enhance UX in your landing pages.

Understanding the Impact of UX

  1. First impression matters: The moment a visitor lands on your page, they instantly assess its appeal and ease of use. If the page looks jumbled or slow, they're more likely to exit. Maintain a neat layout with essential elements at the forefront.

  2. Structure and flow: Each element on the page should naturally lead to the next. Suppose your goal is to get visitors to subscribe to a newsletter ‒ make sure that call-to-action (CTA) is prominent and logically placed after the benefits of subscribing.

  3. Responsive design: Ensure your landing page is adaptable to various devices and screen sizes. With more users browsing on mobile, a mobile-friendly design helps retain visitors.

Suggested layout improvements

  1. Use white space: It helps create focus areas and reduces cognitive load for users. Keep text concise and use headings to break up content. This makes your page easy to scan.

  2. CTAs placement: Make CTAs visible without scrolling. If a visitor needs to scroll to find the CTA, you risk losing them. A bright, contrasting button above the fold can immediately capture attention.

  3. Load times: Speed matters. Compress images and minimize scripts to ensure your page loads quickly. Use services like Google PageSpeed Insights to run speed tests and make necessary adjustments.

4. A/B testing for landing page success

A/B testing is a way to experiment with two versions of your landing page to see which one performs better. By comparing variant A to variant B, you gain insights into what works and what doesn't. This process can drastically improve conversions by allowing you to make data-driven decisions.

Why A/B testing matters

  1. Data-driven decisions: Instead of guessing what changes might boost performance, A/B testing gives concrete evidence. Changes based on data improve user interactions and conversion rates.

  2. Adaptability: With user behaviors and preferences constantly changing, A/B testing helps stay on target with the audience. It ensures that you’re not relying on outdated strategies.

For example, Glued got a 78.65% increase in conversion rates (CVR) for Habibi New York by testing different page designs:

habibi new york ab testing ideas

Elements to consider for A/B testing

  1. Headlines: Different headlines can drastically impact engagement. Test if problem-focused or benefit-driven headlines resonate better.

  2. CTAs: Different wording, color, and placement of CTAs can yield varying results. Experiment with phrases like "Buy Now" vs. "Shop Today" to see what converts better.

  3. Images and visuals: Use different images or videos to determine which aids comprehension and trust. Quality visuals can increase time spent on page and conversions.

  4. User reviews and trust signals: Testing locations and formats of reviews or badges can affect trust and conversion rates. Position these elements where they catch the eye yet do not distract from the main CTA.

A/B testing and UX enhancements are essential to refining your landing pages. By focusing on these areas, you create a user-friendly environment that converts more visitors into customers.

DTC landing page design tips for higher engagement

5. Integrate trust signals

Trust signals are an essential component of DTC landing page design. They encompass elements such as customer reviews, testimonials, and badges that indicate official recognition or certification.

Types of trust signals

Trust signals can take several forms that each serve to reassure the consumer. Reviews and testimonials from satisfied customers offer social proof, showing potential buyers that others have had positive experiences with the product. Badges indicating security features, such as SSL certificates or industry-specific certifications, assure users that their information is safe, which reduces hesitation during transactions. Awards or media mentions also serve as authoritative endorsements that can raise a brand's credibility.

6. Keep your design clean and focused

A clean and focused design ensures that users receive the intended message without unnecessary distractions. It simplifies the user's journey and fosters a more pleasant experience.

Benefits of minimalist design

Minimalist design principles help create a focused environment that guides visitors toward the landing page’s objectives. By eliminating non-essential elements, you allow the key components to stand out. This reduces cognitive load, making navigation intuitive and straightforward. Users can then concentrate on significant elements like CTAs and product descriptions. 

Improving DTC conversion rates with advanced strategies

7. Leverage personalization techniques

Personalization can transform how customers interact with a Direct-to-Consumer (DTC) brand. By offering a personalized experience, brands can dramatically boost engagement and conversion rates. A significant 81% of customers spend more time with brands that present seamless and personalized interactions, which clearly contributes to brand loyalty and increased sales.

Personalization strategies

  1. Understand your audience: Start by collecting information about your audience. Data like browsing history, product preferences, and purchase history will help you create a more personalized experience. This involves using tools that track user behavior.

  2. Segment your audience: Group your customers based on demographics, interests, purchase history, and behaviors. This segmentation allows you to send more relevant marketing messages to each group. Tools like Klaviyo and Attentive are excellent for segmenting audiences.

  3. Create personalized content: Tailor your content to appeal to each segment's preferences. Adjust the language, imagery, and offers to align with the specific needs of each group. Leverage email marketing systems like Mailchimp or HubSpot to manage your personalized content.

  4. Test your personalization efforts: Implement A/B testing to see what personalization techniques enhance engagement and conversions. Test variables like email subject lines, ad copy, and homepage layouts to find what resonates best with your audiences.

By personalizing user experiences and carefully analyzing data, DTC brands can significantly enhance conversion rates and overall customer satisfaction. Leveraging both personalization and analytics tools will inform strategic decisions and optimize the customer journey.

Resources to aid in DTC landing page creation

Creating a high-converting DTC landing page requires the right toolkit. Tools like Instant Page Builder can simplify the design process, making it easier to build customized pages quickly. This tool is particularly useful for those who are not coding experts but still want professional results. 

Inside of Instant, you can pick from hundreds of pre-designed templates that can be customized to fit your brand, and published directly to your Shopify store theme.

Another resource is using a DTC agency like Glued, which provides services and insights focused on Shopify landing page optimization and design. Consulting such resources can help you learn strategies that improve conversion rates effectively.

Ready to transform your DTC landing pages?

In conclusion, designing a high-converting DTC landing page requires a strategic blend of clear messaging, compelling CTAs, engaging visuals, and a smooth user experience. By integrating trust signals, using clean design principles, and leveraging personalization, you can create landing pages that resonate with your audience and drive results.

Remember, the key is not just to create visually appealing pages but to focus on the elements that encourage action. Regularly review and optimize your pages through A/B testing, and adapt to your customers' preferences for continuous improvement.

Whether you’re launching a new product or optimizing an existing page, these strategies will help you maximize conversions and boost your DTC success. Start experimenting today, and transform your landing pages into powerful sales tools.

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