


Sep 20, 2024

Black Friday webinar recap: Expert strategies for maximizing your sales

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BFCM webinar blog recap cover photo
BFCM webinar blog recap cover photo
Rebecca Anderson
Rebecca Anderson

Rebecca Anderson

Black Friday webinar recap: Expert strategies for maximizing your sales

As Black Friday approaches, brands are gearing up for one of the biggest sales events of the year. To help merchants prepare, we invited three industry experts to share their insights on the trends, strategies, and tools that can help eCommerce brands thrive this holiday season. Below is a recap of the webinar featuring Linda Bustos (Ecom Ideas), Coen Fredriks (Ecom Growth Strategist), and Andrés Esquivel (Glued) with takeaways that will set your Black Friday plans in motion.

You can rewatch the webinar here, or keep reading for the top highlights!

Introductions: Meet the experts

We kicked off the session by introducing our expert panelists, each with a wealth of experience in the eCommerce industry.

  • Coen, a seasoned eCommerce advisor, helps European merchants scale during high-traffic seasons like Black Friday: "I’ve been working with numerous merchants across Europe to scale their eCommerce strategies. My main focus is helping them scale efficiently during peak seasons like Black Friday."

  • Linda, the founder of Ecom Ideas, identifies opportunities for innovation in eCommerce marketing and conversion: "I spend a lot of time analyzing eCommerce sites to spot innovation opportunities in marketing and conversion. I’ve worked across roles—tech, merchant, consulting—so I’ve seen the Black Friday madness from all sides."

  • Andrés, founder of Glued, specializes in conversion rate optimization (CRO) and visual storytelling, focusing on helping brands create high-converting shopping experiences: "We help brands with visual storytelling and performance on both their websites and email channels. This time of year, we focus on boosting conversion rates by making sure the visuals and UX are optimized for performance."

Main themes

1. The role of AI in Black Friday 2024

The first key theme of the webinar was AI-driven personalization, a trend that is shaping the future of eCommerce. 

Coen emphasized how AI tools are making it easier for brands to predict customer behavior:

"AI is driving hyper-personalization to new levels, especially in Shopify. AI tools can predict what your customer will buy and even when they’ll make that purchase. That’s a game-changer for Black Friday campaigns."

Linda supported this by highlighting the importance of working alongside AI:

"AI isn’t just about automation, though. Machine learning tools can pick up on patterns, but you’ll need to get ahead by setting up holiday-specific search rules and promotions in advance."

Key takeaway: AI is transforming Black Friday strategies by offering hyper-personalization. Merchants should leverage AI to better predict customer behavior, but they also need to combine this with manual adjustments to create truly effective campaigns. This could be as simple as fine-tuning product recommendations or timing promotions based on individual buying patterns.

2. Personalization + robust product strategies

While AI can help deliver personalized experiences, all three panelists emphasized that personalization alone isn’t enough. You also need a solid product strategy to back it up. AI can help with personalization, but it’s essential that the product experience itself is tailored and robust.

Linda explained that strong personalization should go hand-in-hand with good product data:

"Great personalization has to align with robust product feeds. AI can help with tagging and recommending products, but you still need to give it a ‘human touch’ and ensure the journey feels curated."

Andrés chimed in with a focus on branding:

"People want more than discounts. They want a connection with your brand. Standout visuals and a personalized brand experience are what’s going to keep you ahead, even when everyone else is discounting."

Key takeaway: Personalization must be supported by robust product data to ensure relevance. To stand out during Black Friday, focus on delivering a personalized experience that speaks to your customer’s needs while also enhancing your brand’s story.

3. Macro trends: Black Friday in an uncertain economy

Black Friday is not just about discounts—it’s influenced by wider macroeconomic trends and changes in consumer behavior. 

One hot topic was the shifting timeline of holiday shopping.

Linda highlighted how retailers like Amazon are shaping these shifts by moving their promotions earlier each year:

"Consumers are facing tighter budgets. If Amazon gets in early with deals, those dollars could be gone before Black Friday even hits. Brands need to pay attention to timing and how they engage their loyal customers."

Andrés pointed out that some shoppers will always wait for their favorite brands to offer deep discounts:

"Black Friday is when loyal customers expect that one big deal from brands they love. It’s not just about gifting. Think about how you can make your existing customers feel valued with exclusive offers."

Additional key trends for Black Friday 2024

  1. Get ahead with AI – Use AI tools to hyper-personalize your customer experience. Predict buying behaviors and craft targeted campaigns for higher conversion rates.

  2. Plan your timing – Consider starting your campaigns early, especially as Amazon and other major retailers move up their timelines. But keep in mind: some shoppers will wait for Black Friday itself to purchase.

  3. Optimize for mobile – With most traffic coming from mobile, make sure your landing pages are designed for a fast, seamless experience. As Andrés put it: "If your landing page takes more than five seconds to load, it won’t matter how beautiful it is."

  4. Creativity matters: – Stand out with visuals that show your product in action. As Andrés noted: "Don’t just show the product, show it being used. A beauty product should be shown on a model, for example."

  5. Maximize lifetime value – Don’t focus solely on one-time buyers. Coen emphasized: "Think about how to reactivate new customers and nurture them into loyal buyers. Consider loyalty programs and exclusive post-purchase offers to retain customers."

  6. Stack promotions and offers – Layer in exclusive deals for different customer segments. Linda suggested experimenting with daily promotions: "Daily deals create urgency and give shoppers a reason to return to your site multiple times throughout the week."

Black Friday tech stack suggestions

To help prepare for these trends, each expert shared tools that can make your Black Friday smoother:

  • Coen: "Look into loyalty programs to engage existing customers. Rebuy and Klaviyo are great for personalized offers."

  • Linda: "Make sure your AI and search tools are up-to-date. Check-in with providers like Algolia or Constructor for new features that can help during the holiday rush."

  • Andrés: "Use tools like Instant Page Builder to quickly update key sections of your site. It lets you optimize without needing a full overhaul."

4. How to personalize at scale with AI

In this extended discussion, Coen dove into how AI tools like Rebuy and Klaviyo can deliver hyper-personalized experiences during Black Friday. AI has evolved to not only predict what customers want but also when they’re most likely to purchase. This allows brands to create finely-tuned promotions that meet individual customer needs.

"In the past, personalization was mostly about segmenting customers into broad groups and delivering generalized offers. Now, with AI becoming a core part of the eCommerce ecosystem, especially on Shopify, we’re moving toward hyper-personalization. This means using data from AI tools like Rebuy or Klaviyo to tailor the entire customer experience—what products they see, what discounts they’re offered, even the exact timing of the promotion they receive…

I work with brands that have seen a direct correlation between the degree of personalization and their conversion rates, particularly during high-stakes events like Black Friday. AI can now predict not just who is likely to buy, but what they’re likely to buy, and when. So, for example, if your AI system knows a customer tends to browse but buy at a later time, it can hold off on the discount until it’s most effective. It’s all about being smarter with how you engage each customer—and using their behavior to your advantage."

Key takeaway: AI is now capable of predicting customer behavior on a granular level, allowing merchants to personalize promotions and increase conversions. By using AI-driven insights, brands can target their marketing more precisely, offering the right product at the right time to the right customer.

5. The psychology of Black Friday shoppers

Linda explored the psychology behind Black Friday shopping, emphasizing how urgency and scarcity can drive conversions. However, she cautioned against overwhelming customers with too many urgent offers at once. The key is to balance urgency with clarity, creating a sense of exclusivity without overwhelming the shopper:

"During Black Friday, you're not just selling products—you’re selling a feeling, an experience. There's a real psychology to how consumers shop during this period, and if you can tap into that, you'll have a much better chance of converting those visitors. For example, people are more likely to buy if they feel like they’re getting something exclusive or rare, even if it’s a common product.

That’s where tactics like limited-time offers, countdown timers, and early access sales come in. I’ve seen brands do really well by creating a sense of scarcity around their products—whether it’s saying ‘limited stock available’ or ‘only 48 hours left for this deal.’ You can even get creative with your product descriptions, using language that drives urgency, like ‘Get it before it’s gone.’ 

But you also have to strike a balance. If everything on your site feels urgent, customers might feel overwhelmed and leave. The key is to create these psychological triggers in a way that feels natural and aligns with your brand. Don’t be afraid to play with urgency, but do it in a way that feels authentic to your brand’s story."

Key takeaway: Black Friday shoppers are driven by urgency and scarcity, but too much can be overwhelming. Brands should create promotions that offer a balance between urgency and accessibility, making it easy for customers to understand what’s at stake and how they can benefit from acting quickly.

6. Building brand loyalty during Black Friday

Coen explained how Black Friday is an opportunity not only to acquire new customers but also to build long-term loyalty. By offering follow-up promotions and creating a strategy to re-engage customers after the sale, brands can ensure that Black Friday purchases lead to ongoing relationships: 

"A lot of brands make the mistake of seeing Black Friday as just a sales event, but it’s so much more than that. Yes, it’s about moving inventory, but it’s also an incredible opportunity to convert new customers into long-term, loyal buyers. The key is in how you approach customer retention and what strategies you put in place post-purchase.

One of the things I always advise merchants is to have a follow-up plan in place before Black Friday even begins. If someone buys from you during this period, don’t let it end there. Use loyalty programs, email marketing, or exclusive discounts to bring them back. One brand I work with does an excellent job of this—they offer a significant discount for first-time buyers during Black Friday, but they also immediately set up a follow-up email series offering additional discounts for their next purchase, but only if they buy within the next 30 days. It’s a simple strategy that gets people back into the store quickly.

Black Friday is an opportunity to capture a lot of new customers, but if you’re not thinking about how to retain those customers, you’re missing out on the real value of the event."

Key takeaway: Black Friday isn’t just a one-time sales event—it’s a chance to convert first-time buyers into loyal customers. Brands should have a post-sale strategy in place, including follow-up emails, loyalty programs, and exclusive offers to keep new customers engaged beyond Black Friday.

7. Optimizing for mobile: It’s non-negotiable

Andrés stressed the importance of mobile optimization, particularly during Black Friday when most traffic comes from mobile devices. Speed, ease of navigation, and frictionless checkout are critical to ensuring customers complete their purchases: 

"When I say optimize for mobile, I’m not just talking about making sure your site looks good on a phone. I’m talking about speed, navigation, and reducing friction—because the majority of your Black Friday traffic is going to come from mobile devices. If your mobile site isn’t fast, you’re going to lose customers before they even see your offers.

I worked with a brand last year that increased their mobile speed by just two seconds, and their Black Friday conversion rate jumped by 15%. That’s a huge difference for something that might seem small. Another big issue I see is that a lot of brands don’t make their promotions prominent enough on mobile. You have to think about how users behave on their phones—they’re scrolling quickly, they want information fast, and they don’t want to hunt for your discounts. 

The trick is to keep it simple. Focus on a clear, single call to action at the top of the page, with an immediate discount or offer visible as soon as the customer lands on your site. And make sure the checkout process is mobile-friendly too—fewer steps, auto-fill forms, mobile payment options like Apple Pay or Google Pay. The easier it is for a customer to check out on mobile, the more likely they’ll actually follow through with their purchase."

Key takeaway: Mobile optimization is crucial for Black Friday success. Brands must ensure their sites load quickly, offer easy navigation, and provide a seamless checkout experience to capture mobile shoppers effectively.

8. Creating visually-engaging campaigns that convert

Andrés also discussed how visual storytelling can differentiate a brand during Black Friday. He emphasized the importance of showing products in action and creating a seamless, visually-consistent experience from ad to checkout:

"It’s easy to overlook design when you’re caught up in the logistics of running a Black Friday sale, but the visuals are often what’s going to stop someone from scrolling and make them pay attention. One mistake I see a lot is that brands focus on showing the product in isolation—just a bottle of lotion, for example—without any context. But what we’ve found is that customers connect more when they see a product in action. 

Let’s take a skincare brand, for instance. If you’re selling a face serum, show the serum being applied, show the skin glowing, show the transformation. Consumers want to see the outcome, not just the product. Similarly, lifestyle imagery tends to perform better during Black Friday. It’s a busy time, and consumers are being bombarded with offers, so if your ad feels more like an experience or a story, it’s going to stand out.

Finally, don’t forget to maintain brand consistency across all your creative assets. If your ads look different from your landing pages, you’ll create a disconnect, and customers might bounce. It’s all about creating a cohesive, visually-engaging experience from the first moment a customer sees your ad to when they check out."

Key takeaway: Visual storytelling is key to standing out in a crowded market. Brands should focus on showing products in action and creating a cohesive visual experience across all customer touchpoints, from ads to landing pages.

Final thoughts from our experts

Preparing for Black Friday 2024 may feel daunting, but by leveraging the right tools, focusing on personalization, and creating visually compelling campaigns, your brand can stand out in a crowded marketplace. 

Coen reminded merchants to think long-term:

"Black Friday isn’t just about one day of sales—it’s an opportunity to build relationships with new customers that last beyond the holiday season."

Linda emphasized the importance of having fun:

"Yes, it’s stressful, but Black Friday is also a chance to get creative with your marketing. Test new ideas, try different tactics, and see what resonates with your audience."

Andrés summed it up perfectly:

"At the end of the day, it’s all about making it easy for customers to say ‘yes.’ Simplify your offers, optimize for mobile, and tell a story that makes them want to engage with your brand."

By following these expert strategies and insights, your brand can be well-prepared to make the most of Black Friday 2024. Focus on personalization, optimize your site for mobile, and create a memorable shopping experience that turns first-time buyers into lifelong customers.

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