


Oct 14, 2024

20 elements of high-converting product pages with example product pages

a page with social sharing options - High Converting Product Pages
a page with social sharing options - High Converting Product Pages
a page with social sharing options - High Converting Product Pages

Instant Team

20 elements of high-converting product pages with example product pages

Creating a high converting product page is key to Shopify store design. You’ve spent countless hours perfecting your product, and now you’re ready to showcase it to the world. But how do you ensure your product pages look good and drive sales? It’s a challenge many store owners face. This article will help you learn how to create a high-converting product page for your online store by exploring product page optimization, strategies for increasing average order value, and other methods for improving your Shopify store design.

Instant’s Shopify product page builder can help you optimize your product pages for higher conversions, making it easier to achieve your sales goals.

Table of Contents

What is a product page?

person happy with his work - High Converting Product Pages

The product page, or PDP, is the heartbeat of your online store. This is where potential customers form their first impressions and decide whether to purchase. It’s not just about displaying a product. It’s about crafting an experience. 

You present your product with clear, concise information. Visitors should immediately grasp what the item is, how it functions, and how much it costs. Simplicity is key; the content must be straightforward enough for anyone to understand.

Building trust through clarity and detail

Trust is everything in eCommerce. A product page should provide all the details a customer needs to feel confident in their decision. This includes high-quality images, detailed descriptions, and other information that could alleviate doubts. Remember, a first-time purchase is a leap of faith. If visitors don’t find trustworthy information, they’ll bounce. To prevent this, anticipate their questions and answer them upfront.

Crafting an immersive experience

A product page isn’t just about facts; it’s about creating an experience. Use compelling media and engaging copy to make your product feel real to the customer. Think about using images, videos, and interactive elements to showcase the product. 

Make sure your page isn’t overcrowded with information, though. The goal is to create a seamless, intuitive experience that guides the visitor toward purchasing.

The power of calls to action

A high-converting product page includes clear calls to action (CTAs). This is often an “add to cart” or “checkout” button. But don’t stop there. Consider adding CTAs for upsells or cross-sells. These should feel like natural extensions of the product page, not distractions. A well-placed CTA can guide visitors toward the next step in their shopping journey, increasing your chances of making a sale.

Why is the product page structure important?

A well-designed product page serves as the main point of interaction between your product and online shoppers. Since customers can’t physically see or touch your products, your pages must provide all the information they need to make informed purchases. 

The way you present details, like clear descriptions and high-quality images, can make or break a sale. According to a Google survey, 85% of shoppers say product details and images heavily influence buying decisions.

Trust is everything: Building confidence with strategic design

Trust-building is a significant function of a good product page, and research from Salsify shows that a well-constructed product page is the primary driver of audience trust in ecommerce environments.

A great product page design helps make the product feel tangible by offering specifics about its features, benefits, and usage. This creates a virtual experience miming in-person shopping, fostering trust and encouraging buyers to purchase.

Keeping customers: The cost of a bad product page experience

Visitors will likely abandon their shopping carts if your product page lacks clarity, usability, or depth. A well-optimized product page that offers a smooth, informative, and visually appealing experience can significantly increase sales by converting casual browsers into satisfied customers. Customers are more likely to research (42%) and purchase (35%) products directly from a retail site than from other digital channels, making the product page the core of the online sales funnel.

Instant's product page builder

Ready to take your Shopify store to the next level? Instant is a user-friendly Shopify product page builder that helps you create fully customizable pages without coding. 

With its drag-and-drop interface, Instant's Shopify product page builder allows you to design high-converting pages while maintaining complete control over your store's design. Try Instant's product page builder today!

20 Elements of high converting product pages

person typing on laptop - High Converting Product Pages

1. High-quality product images

Shopping online can feel distant. Customers can't touch or try the products, so high-quality images are key. 

They should showcase the product from every angle, reducing uncertainty and boosting confidence in your store. Professional photography is worth building trust and making customers feel secure in their purchase decisions.

2. Compelling product descriptions

Your descriptions should be persuasive and detailed. Highlight the product's features and benefits to connect with your audience emotionally. Use descriptive language and storytelling to engage customers and make your product more appealing.

3. A clear, prominent CTA

Your CTA should be visible and accessible to click. Use contrasting colors and larger fonts to draw attention to it. This will make it easy for customers to take action and complete their purchase.

4. Pricing and discounts

Transparency is vital when it comes to pricing. Display the product's price and any discounts or promotions. This will create a sense of urgency and encourage customers to purchase.

5. Customer reviews and testimonials

Positive reviews act as social proof and boost confidence in your product. Displaying them on your product page will reassure customers and increase conversion rates. Offer incentives or rewards to encourage customers to leave reviews.

6. Shipping information

Clear shipping information is crucial. Customers want to know when they can expect their purchase and if there are any associated costs. Providing this information upfront will alleviate concerns and improve the shopping experience.

7. Breadcrumbs

In digital marketing jargon, breadcrumbs are links that show users where they are on a website relative to the homepage. They aid with navigation and help visitors discover related content on your site. According to a study by Baymard Institute, eCommerce websites should have two types of breadcrumbs: hierarchy and history-based breadcrumbs.

Hierarchy-based breadcrumb

A hierarchy-based breadcrumb allows buyers to see their current location on the other pages of your site. Without hierarchy breadcrumbs, it’s difficult for shoppers to browse a collection of products because there’s no way to go a step up in the hierarchy. It’s kind of like using your browser’s ‘Back’ button. Without it, you’re stuck or must drastically jump to find what you want.

History-based breadcrumbs

Unlike the ‘Back’ button, which is history-based, hierarchy-based breadcrumbs don’t allow you to return to what you were just looking at a minute ago. That’s where a ‘Back to results’ link comes in handy. 

Remember that shoppers can land on your eCommerce product pages in various ways. Sometimes, they’ll need to find other related products in the same category, and sometimes, they’ll want to go back to a previous search result. That’s why using hierarchy- and history-based breadcrumbs on your product pages is important.

8. Product Titles

A catchy product title can add value to your product and improve SEO. Ensure your title tags are unique and include the product name, brand, model, and item type.

9. Videos

Videos are a powerful way to showcase your product. They give customers a better idea of what the product looks like in reality and can increase conversions. Consider using videos to show your product in motion or demonstrate its features.

10. 360° Views

360° views can improve the shopping experience and increase engagement on your site. They allow customers to explore your product from every angle, creating a more immersive experience.

11. Trust and security seals

Displaying trust badges and secure payment icons can boost confidence in your store. These details signal to customers that their transactions and data are safe, encouraging them to complete their purchases.

12. Urgency and scarcity

Creating a sense of urgency can drive more sales. Limited-time offers or low-stock alerts create FOMO and encourage customers to act quickly.

13. ‘Add to cart’ or ‘Buy now’ button

Your CTA button should stand out from the rest of your page. Use contrasting colors and remove clutter to make it easy for customers to click.

14. Add to wishlist

Some shoppers will not be ready to buy from your site when they land on your product page. But if you give them a way to save their item for later, you’ll have a better chance to improve your product page conversion than losing business to a competitor. Offering the wishlist option is a great way to do that. With wishlists, customers can add their favorite items and return to buy them later.

This works due to a psychological phenomenon called the Zeigarnik effect. The Zeigarnik effect is the idea that people tend to finish tasks they’ve left unfinished. So when customers add specific items to their wishlists or shopping carts, the Zeigarnik effect persists in the back of their heads until they finish the checkout.

15. Views or likes

Showcasing the number of views or likes on your product pages can build social proof. This technique is most effective when your numbers are worth bragging about.

16. Up-sells

Upselling related products can increase your average order value. Consider displaying relevant upsell offers based on shopping cart content or past purchases.

17. Related products and cross-selling

Suggesting related products can encourage customers to explore your store more. This can lead to multiple purchases and increase your average order value.

18. Return and refund policy

A transparent, customer-friendly return and refund policy can build trust and confidence. Make sure this information is easy to find on your product page.

19. Live chat

Offering live chat support can improve the shopping experience. It lets customers get their questions answered in real-time, reducing the likelihood of them leaving your site without purchasing.

Research from Hiver shows that 63% of buyers are likelier to purchase from live chat support websites. Millennials prefer live chat over every other support channel, like email, phone, or social media. If you can’t answer your buyers’ questions in real-time, they might leave your site without buying anything. To prevent this, use a live chat option on your online store so that prospective customers can get their concerns answered immediately.

20. Provide price comparisons

Including price comparisons can help customers evaluate your products against similar offerings. This is particularly effective when you have competitive pricing compared to third-party providers.

21. Product options

If your products come in different sizes, colors, or styles, make it easy for customers to choose between options. This will improve the shopping experience and reduce friction in the buying process.

How to design high-converting product pages

woman designing a page - High Converting Product Pages

Find your inspiration first

Before designing your product page, check out what others are doing. What are your favorite product pages as a shopper? What do you like about them, and where do they fall short? Peek at competitors or brands you admire. There might be some great ideas you can tweak and make your own.

Keep it clean and simple

Think about the layout. Don’t overwhelm your customer with too much information. Visitors scan pages to get what they need without much effort. Your page should have a straightforward design that encourages this behavior. Ensure your product page matches the rest of your site regarding colors, fonts, and images. Consistency builds trust. 

Position key details above the fold so they’re front and center. This section should entice the customer to want to see more. Whether viewed on a phone, tablet, or computer, the page should offer a smooth experience. It should load fast, ideally in under two seconds.

Rinse and repeat

The beauty of product pages is their replicability. Once you’ve nailed the design for one, you can create a template. Just swap out the titles, descriptions, and images for new products. This saves time as you add more items and grow your store.

Test, tweak, and repeat

Your first product page design might not hit it out of the park. Test different layouts to see what works. Something that worked for another brand might not suit yours. After some trial and error, you’ll have a winning design for your target audience. 

Instant's product page builder

Ready to take your Shopify store to the next level? Instant is a user-friendly Shopify product page builder that helps you create fully customizable pages without coding. 

With its drag-and-drop interface, Instant's Shopify product page builder allows you to design high-converting pages while maintaining complete control over your store's design. Try Instant's product page builder today!

Product page optimization: A quick guide

person scrolling on tab - High Converting Product Pages

Grasp the sales cycle

Understand your sales cycle. Customers land on your site via marketing spends, SEO, or email promotions. They browse, add items to the cart, proceed to checkout for discounts or offers, and then finalize the payment. Knowing this, ensure products are easy to find, quick payments and complementary items are offered for upselling and cross-selling.

Craft benefit-oriented descriptions

Your product descriptions should stand out, rank well on Google, and engage visitors. Write unique and informative descriptions that convey the benefits of your products. If you need more time or expertise, consider hiring a copywriter. Use customer feedback to tailor descriptions and incorporate real-life insights.

Leverage user-generated content

User-generated content (UGC) is a goldmine for improving your product pages. Encourage customer reviews and ratings to build trust. Share customer stories and create galleries of user-submitted photos showcasing product use. Experiment with different types of UGC to discover what resonates best with your audience.

Prioritize user-focused optimization

Good SEO will boost your Google ranking, but pay attention to user experience. 

  • Slow loading speeds

  • Complex navigation

  • Insufficient information

  • Lack of mobile optimization

  • Intrusive ads 

It can drive customers away. Conduct a UX/UI audit to identify and address potential issues hindering the customer journey.

Maintain product page consistency

Ensure your product pages have a unified look and feel across your site. Consistency helps customers navigate easily and builds familiarity, encouraging repeat visits. A consistent design also improves conversion rates, keeping customers engaged longer.

Embrace mobile-responsive design

With more customers shopping on mobile devices, optimizing your product pages for smaller screens is crucial. The mobile-responsive design makes navigation easy, allowing users to view product details and make purchases hassle-free. This approach will boost mobile conversions and enhance user experience.

Simplify navigation

Make it easy for customers to find what they're looking for. Organize product categories logically 

and provide a search function. Streamlined navigation reduces frustration and keeps users engaged longer, increasing the chances of conversion.

Four examples of high-converting product pages

person sitting with a friend - High Converting Product Pages

Lull's persuasive product page design

Lull’s product page is a masterclass in leveraging social proof and strategic comparisons. The hero section immediately grabs attention with strong messaging and a highlighted review, providing instant credibility. As you scroll, a comparison chart pits Lull against its top competitor, making the decision process easier for those on the fence. 

This is a clever tactic for high-converting product pages. To nudge shoppers towards conversion, a section showcases top Lull products with essential details and a clear discount offer, perfect for enticing budget-conscious customers. Scrolling down, a reviews section adds layers of credibility with written testimonials, an average star rating, and a review guarantee. A UGC section displays real customers’ experiences, adding a personal touch.

PooPourri's playful and engaging approach

PooPourri’s product pages reflect its humorous and lighthearted approach to bathroom etiquette. They use concise product descriptions, bold images, and a splash of color to create an engaging experience. 

These descriptions, written in a relatable tone, help connect with customers on an emotional level. This storytelling approach aligns with PooPourri's brand identity and distinguishes it from other bathroom products. In doing so, it provides shoppers with the information they need to determine whether they need a toilet spray while keeping them entertained.

3. Bombas: Social proof and informative content

Bombas excels at using social proof by prominently featuring customer reviews and ratings on its product pages. Informative and engaging videos showcase the product in action and highlight its features. 

The product descriptions are detailed yet easy to understand, explaining why Bombas socks stand out from other options. By incorporating social proof and informative content, Bombas effectively convinces potential customers of its products' quality and encourages them to purchase.

4. Google CRM: Satisfying user intent

The Google CRM product page boasts a conversion rate of 7-8%, thanks to its focus on satisfying user intent. Ranking at the top for keywords like "Google CRM," this page answers users' queries immediately with a few convincing lines and a "free sign up" call to action. 

Visitors seeking a CRM that integrates with all Gsuite apps find their needs met without hesitation. This page achieves a high conversion rate by targeting user intent and offering valuable solutions.

What is a good conversion rate for a product page?

man looking happy - High Converting Product Pages

A good conversion rate for product pages varies based on industry, product type, and consumer behavior. But generally:

  • The average Conversion Rate is around 1.3%, meaning 1.3 out of every 100 visitors make a purchase.

  • Top 20% Conversion Rate: Over 3.2%, converting over 3.2 out of 100 visitors.

  • Top 10% Conversion Rate: Exceeding 4.8%, showing exceptional optimization and marketing.

Achieving above-average rates usually requires compelling product descriptions, clear calls to action, user-friendly design, trust-building elements, and effective marketing campaigns.

Optimize your Shopify store for conversions without breaking the bank with Instant's Shopify product page builder

Imagine having a tool that lets you shape your Shopify store’s product pages without needing a developer. Instant is a game-changer for eCommerce teams and agencies. With its intuitive drag-and-drop interface, Instant makes it simple to design and publish:

  • High-converting landing pages

  • Blog posts

  • Custom Shopify themes 

You control your store’s look and feel without touching code. It’s a powerful way to boost conversions and improve the customer experience.

Integration with Figma and more

Could you bring your Figma designs directly into your Shopify store? Instant makes that wish come true. It integrates seamlessly with Figma, allowing you to import your designs without losing any detail. 

This means you can easily plan your pages in Figma and then bring them to life in Shopify. Instant also plays nice with other eCommerce tools, giving you the flexibility to use your favorite tools and workflows.

Empowering non-technical teams

Instant isn’t just for developers. It’s designed for everyone on your eCommerce team. The drag-and-drop interface makes it easy for anyone to create and customize pages. 

This empowers your team to be more flexible and responsive, allowing you to make changes and updates without waiting on a developer. It’s a win-win for everyone involved.

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