


Feb 15, 2024

26 Shopify sections you can add to your cosmetic & skincare store

Shopify sections for cosmetic and skincare brands
Shopify sections for cosmetic and skincare brands
Shopify sections for cosmetic and skincare brands
Rebecca Anderson author
Rebecca Anderson author

Rebecca Anderson

26 Shopify sections you can add to your cosmetic & skincare store

Building with sections is an easy, convenient, and code-free way to customize your online cosmetic or skincare store. 

One of the fastest ways to build a unique section is by starting with a pre-built section crafted specifically for the cosmetic and skincare industry. 

For cosmetic and skincare brands, the new Cosmo Section Kit from Instant includes 26 free, conversion-optimized sections. 

This includes: 

Each section can be customized to your unique brand style and has been built with inspiration from top-performing brands in the skincare and cosmetics industry. 

This way, you can meet and exceed your customer’s expectations when it comes to their online shopping experience. 

All you have to do is drag and drop the section of your choice onto the Visual Canvas, customize it to your liking, edit it to make it responsive, and then it can be exported natively to your Shopify store. 

These sections can be found for free within Instant. Let's take a look at the different sections in this kit:

Header sections

Header sections are the perfect above-the-fold addition to your Shopify store pages. 

Here are 5 different header section sliders that can be customized to your brand feel: 

1. Header section

skincare section shopify

This header section is simple and elegant, with a clean balance of text and visuals, and a single CTA.

This is the perfect header to showcase a new collection. 

2. Header section with ticker

shopify section with ticker

This header section includes an eye-catching ticker. 

This dynamic addition helps grab the attention of online shoppers. The ticker text could be replaced with important information for customers, like a discount code. 

3. Header section with background image

header section for shopify

This header section lets one of your images do the talking. This is the ideal section to show off a product. 

4. Header section with feature image

header section shopify

This straightforward section includes a feature image, a strong headline, and a single CTA button. 

5. Header section with more text

header section skincare

Compared to the other sections in the Cosmo Section Kit, this header section includes a bit more text. 

Product sections

Product sections are meant to show off a specific product, or product collection. These 5 sections incorporate different interactive features to help engage customers. 

6. Product slider

shopify product slider section

In this section, the slider provides a dynamic way to showcase your products. The buttons with arrows help guide customers to click through your products. 

7. Product section with rating

product section with rating

This section helps showcase your product and offer up some social proof in the form of a star rating plus a short customer quote. 

8.  Product section with background image

skincare shopify section

This section showcases your product with a large background image and encourages shoppers to add it to their cart with a prominent CTA. 

9. Product section with ticker

product section with ticker

This section leverages a ticker to grab the attention of shoppers. There’s plenty of space for descriptive text as well to help with conversion. 

10. Product grid 

product grid section pack

This product section uses a grid layout to showcase multiple products at once. This could be useful when showing off products within a specific collection. 

Social proof sections

Social proof is an essential ingredient to any Shopify store, these 5 social proof sections help show off what your customers think about your products and brand. 

11. Text-based quotes slider

text-based section

This section incorporates a slider with text inside of it. This could be ideal for adding notable quotes about your product.

12. Quotes slider with image and text

quote slider shopify

This section incorporates text-based quotes plus an image placeholder that can be filled with the image of your customer. 

13. Reviews section

shopify review section

This colorful section allows you to highlight multiple reviews at once. 

14. Logos section

shopify logos section social proof

This section incorporates logos from publications that have featured your product(s). This is a simple but effective way to add social proof to any page. 

15. Reviews and ratings section

product reviews ratings

This section features a star-based product rating and customer reviews.

Features sections

Feature sections are helpful for showcasing specific product attributes and benefits.

This will ensure there aren’t any unanswered questions that are keeping customers from converting. 

Here are 4 different feature sections: 

16. Features section with 4 features 

features section pack

This features section can be customized to highlight four specific features. 

17. Features section with 3 features

three features section

This features section is optimized for showing off three specific features. 

18. Features section with statistics

features section

For some products, highlighting specific statistics can be helpful for customers who are looking for what makes your product special or different from the competition. 

This section is helpful for showcasing data and information in a skimmable way. 

19. Features section with CTA

features section with cta

This simple, clean section helps you focus your customer’s attention on one specific point. 

Banner sections

Banner sections can be helpful for announcing information or spotlighting specific details. 

Here are four engaging banner sections: 

20. Banner section with ticker

banner section for shopify

This banner section uses a moving ticker, which is hard to miss or ignore for online shoppers. 

21. Banner bar section

banner bar section shopify

This classic banner bar section is simple but useful. 

22. Banner section

banner section shopify

This banner section includes placeholders for two images and is a great way to highlight a new product! 

23. Banner section with video

shopify section with video

This banner section includes an embedded video, and icons, which can help you to communicate specific information to customers about your values or USPS. 

Social sections

Social commerce is a powerful sales strategy for your Shopify store. These two social sections can help you to incorporate your social feed or user-generated social content into your online store. 

24. Instagram ticker section 

instagram ticker section for shopify

This section includes an auto-rotating carousel of images from your socials. 

25. Instagram post section

instagram post section

This section can help you showcase specific social media posts from your Instagram feed so shoppers can see your products in action. 

Text based sections

Storytelling is a powerful way to express your brand's history and values. This text-based section can help with that. 

26. Story section 

story section for shopify

This section is especially helpful for showcasing your brand’s story. For founder-led brands, this could be the perfect section to add to your Shopify pages. 

How to customize your cosmetics & skincare Shopify store (with sections)

Customizing your Shopify store with sections is an effective way to craft a memorable and unique shopping experience. 

The 26 sections highlighted in this article are a great foundation for cosmetic and skincare brands. 

cosmo shopify section pack

All you need to do is drag-and-drop the section of your choice onto the Visual Canvas, and then customize it to make it your own with images, text, your product info, adding responsive edits, etc. 

Here’s a short video that describes how Sections built in Instant work with Shopify: 

If you’re interested in using these Sections, they are all available for free in the Instant Page Builder

Simply make a free account, and check out the Cosmo Section Kit inside the builder.  

Now it’s up to you to customize these sections to create beautiful additions to your online cosmetics or skincare store! 

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